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Meet and Greet with Merritt!

My name is Merritt and I love food. My happy place has always been in the kitchen, creating delicious and yummy dishes to share with the people around me. I love trying new recipes and ideas that center my life around food. I first discovered my passion for cooking in college, when my friends and I realized how long a study session could be without good snacks in hand. I made it my mission to find nourishing meals that were so delicious, diverse, and all-around super fun to create. I am super excited that you are here. Its Better With Butter is a passion project that is too much fun not to share with the world. I hope you enjoy all we have to taste here!

We like food, but we love Good Food

Finding your style and flavor in the kitchen should be fun and approachable. I like to try all types of recipes, cuisine, and flavors to see what I like what makes sense in my kitchen. I hope that some of the recipes I have developed resonate with you and bring your friends and family a wonderful table experience.

I am always thinking of new recipes, and have been told that food is definitely the only thing I think about! If you love food and want to see a recipe on here, let me know by dropping me an email or commet

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Meet our founder

Hi I am Merritt! Founder and recipe developer at Its Better With Butter! Some fun little facts about me are that I love to eat chocolate. I start every day with some dark chocolate and coffee. I love to shop at any grocery store since each one seems to have something I have never seen but am always willing to try. I also hope to one day write a cookbook that includes all my favorite recipes

Right now I am really loving my Lemon Poppy Seed Cake Recipe and my Homemade Spaghetti Sauce and Meatballs! If you have a recipe you are loving, be sure to let me know!

carbonara for meal prep
meal prep photo with ramen

Want Fast and Tasty Meals?

Grab a copy of my quickest meals that help you get dinner on the table! Just sign up with your email and get cooking!

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Check Out The Blog:

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Merritt Cutting chocolate cake
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